A Sample of English Speech
Topic: Education, Teachers’ Association of the Republic of Indonesia
(PGRI), Teachers’ Day. Title: Teachers’ Day. Grade: for SMP/MTs,
SMA/MA/SMK, College/University.
Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris. Topik: Pendidikan, PGRI, Hari Guru. Judul:
Hari Guru. Tingkatan: untuk SMP/MTs, SMA/MA/SMK, College/Universitas.
Honorable our Teachers
Ladies and Gentlemen; Brothers and Sisters
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
It is a great honor for me to join this English speech contest. Thank you very much for the chance given to me.
Ladies and Gentlemen;
The title of my speech is: “Teachers’ Day”.
Every year, on the 25th of November, we commemorate the birthday of
Teachers’ Association of the Republic of Indonesia, or known as PGRI.
The day is also called National Teachers’ Day. The commemoration is a
kind of appreciation for our teachers. It is usually celebrated in a
ceremonial activity by giving a recognition to a certain teachers, head
masters, or school attendants.
Brothers and Sisters;
The Teachers’ Association of the Republic of Indonesia (PGRI) was
founded on 25th November,1945, about three months after the proclamation
of the Indonesian independence. At the time, the establishment of PGRI
had three purposes, they were: first, defending the independence of
Indonesia; second, improving education in our country; and the last,
helping the labors and teachers get their rights.
For many years, PGRI has become a functional organization representing
teachers as civil servants. It has been a survival union in any kinds of
social and political situation. No matter how difficult the condition
of our country, PGRI always tries to survive. It will keep struggling to
improve the quality of education in this country.
Ladies and Gentlemen;
Today, we are in the situation of the celebration of Teachers’ Day. We
are commemorating the birthday of PGRI. The question is, what should we
do to make this celebration have a great meaning to the improvement of
our education system?
We cannot deny that the quality of our education is still poor. It is a
fact that our education achievement is at the bottom within South-East
Asia countries, even we are left behind our neighbors. There are many
problems in our education system. Let me give some examples: many
teachers are poorly trained both in their subject matters and in
teaching skills, our teachers’ salaries are low, our education fee is
still expensive, and also other crucial problems related with the
curriculum, national exam (UN), and teacher certification.
Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Hari Guru dan pendidikan (Teacher's day)
Posted by EB
EB Updated at: 22:16
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